Quadruplexes and aging: G4-binding proteins regulate the presence of miRNA in small extracellular vesicles (sEVs)

Journal: Biochimie
Authors: Brázda V., Mergny J.-L.
Year: 2023


The interaction between proteins and nucleic acids is a core element of life. Many proteins bind nucleic acids via a sequence-specific manner, but there are also many types of proteins that recognize various structural motifs. Researchers have recently found that proteins that can recognize DNA and RNA G-quadruplexes (G4s) are very important for basic cellular processes, particularly in eukaryotes. Some of these proteins are located outside the nucleus and interact with RNA, potentially affecting miRNA functions in intercellular communication, which is facilitated by small extracellular vesicles (sEVs). Imbalances in the production of sEVs are associated with various pathologies and senescence in humans. The distribution of miRNA into sEVs is regulated by two RNA-binding proteins, Alyref and FUS. Both proteins possess G-rich recognition motifs that are compatible with the formation of RNA parallel G4 structures. This lends credence to the new hypothesis that G4-formation in RNAs and their interaction with G4-binding proteins can affect the fate of miRNAs and control their distribution in sEVs that are associated with senescence and aging.

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