Photochemical probing of the B-A conformational transition in a linearized pUC19 DNA and its polylinker region

Časopis: BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 125, 237-246
Autoři: Nejedly, K., Chladkova, J., Kypr, J.
Rok: 2007


We induced the B-to-A conformational transition by ethanol in a linearized pUC19 DNA. A primer extension method was used in combination with UV light irradiation to follow the transition, based on pausing of DNA synthesis due to the presence of damaged bases in the template. Primer extension data highly correlated with the results of another method monitoring the B-A transition, i.e. inhibition of restriction endonuclease cleavage of UV light-irradiated DNA. Primer extension enabled us to locate damaged nucleotides within the region of interest. Most damaged nucleotides were located in B-form trimers, exclusively containing both pyrimidine bases (TTC, TCT, CTC, and CTT), and in a cytosine tetramer. The amount of damaged bases decreased in the course of B-A transition. Some of the damage even disappeared in the A-form, which mainly concerns the C-4 and C-3 blocks. The cleavage was nearly restored in the A-form within this region (Eco88I). On the contrary the decrease of damage was less significant with thymine dimers, only dropping to 50-60% of the B-form level. Consequently, the cleavage with EcoRI and HindIII remained mostly as before the transition (75% and 60% of uncleaved DNA preserved). We found significant differences in the B- and A-form patient of UV light-damaged bases within the same region (polylinker) of DNA embedded within long (plasmid) or short (127 bp fragment) DNA molecules. The B-A transition of the fragment was found less cooperative than with linearized plasmid, which was confirmed by both CD spectroscopy and restriction cleavage inhibition. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.